
Rapid Entire

Body Assessment

A Postural Risk Analysis Tool that should be used to prove the level of risk associated with a given task. It can be used in :

- Educating a workforce

- Building a business case

- Proving levels of risk

- Building a legal case

Course content


Postural risk is something that all health and safety officers need to be aware of. Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the main problems that affects the workforce. Often they are caused by people adopting poor posture during their everyday activities.

Designed by Drs. Sue Hignett and Lynn McAtamney, ergonomists from Loughborough and Nottingham Universities, Rapid Entire Body Assessment is a peer reviewed method which identifies which of five different categories a person is in during a given task. It is used exentisively within healthcare settings when assessing patient handling activities, but is equally at home in any workplace manual handling scenario.

It can be used to analyse current practice, evaluate suggested changes, to build a business case requesting more training or equipment or prove a point in a court of law by expert witnesses.

What you'll learn

  • How to assess a persons posture

  • How to score the person within the time it takes to snap your fingers (rapidly)

  • How to document your findings

Material Requirements

Access to a printer is essential. There are a few pages which need to be printed. A pen or pencil is also required.

Enrollment Requirements

This course is designed specifically for health and safety officers, manual handling trainers and safe patient handling consultats, however, anyone who is interested in moving loads will benefit from it. There is no minimum qualification.

7 Days Money Back Guarantee
This course includes:
  • 47 minutes on-demand video

  • Lifetime access

  • Certificate of completion

  • 7-day money back guarantee